Tuesday, April 26, 2011

ZENO hot spot? not impressed....


I hope you are all off to a wonderful week :)

So... zeno hotspot... ugh...

click here for the company deets

I have to say... I went into buying this because its pretty darn cute, my fling with the zeno hotspot started sometime over the summer but alas, it was just a fling, definitely not true love. $40 for a device is a bit on the expensive side for me ( little miss cheapo for you again). Which i reasoned by thinking that each use cost 50 cents... it made me feel a little better Zeno promises that it can heal 90% of acne in 24 hours... well obviously that 10% of acne is what inhibits my face...and when you get this puppy out of the package, (which if I do recall correctly, was a bit complicated) and read the fine print, you are only supposed to use it on certain kinds of acne... very complicated. And then, once you find a spot that you can use it on... it BURNS. I guess its supposed to be a good kind of burn because its "sanitizing" the spot... ? and then as you read further you may have to use the hotspot multiple times on the same pimple, so if you use it the recommended 4 times on the same spot you're up to only 20 uses? (if my mental math did not fail me) Plus you have to throw the whole device away after only 80 uses... kind of against the whole SAVE PLANET EARTH ideals. This device DID NOT cure my acne...

But even though it did not solve the acne spot in 24 hours, I have applied the hotspot to spots on my face after they had um, erupted (sorry, gross, I know). After the burning and redness went away, the heat tended to be soothing, because I get those sore pimples in sensitive spots, like the edge of my lips (sorry, grossness again)

so, in conclusion... SAVE your hard-earned $40 and buy something worthwhile for your face that's also good for the environment.... (shout out to LUSHcosmetics :))

I'm giving this a sassy <3 < hearts.

peace, love, and lipstick ;)

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