Saturday, April 16, 2011

PRODUCTS I CANT LIVE WITHOUT- CLINIQUE dramatically different moisturizing gel


Here's a review on a product that seems like it would be out of my usual beauty budget (I admit, Im a cheapo) but first, you need some background info about me...

since 3rd grade, I have suffered from SEVERE acne, so bad that I have gone through COUNTLESS topical ointments and oral pills, even two rounds of ACCUTANE. (grody!)  So if I find a product that works for my skin, Im willing to drop some serious dough on it.

I used to have oily skin, but after the accutane (which shuts off your sebaceous glands that make oil on your face) my skin became extremely sensitive and a wierd combo of oily/dry.

Its been hard for me to find a good moisturizer  from the drugstore, because most of them made me break out, or had sun screen in them (im allergic to something in most sunscreens). 

So one day on the way to my local LUSH counter at a macys near my town (more on that YUMMY STUFF later) I passed by the CLINIQUE counter and thought of my grandma, because she always used CLINIQUE beauty/makeup things. I stopped and talked to the lady at the counter about thier moisturizers and she told me about the gel version of thier normal moisturizer.  the gel is step 3 of thier little skin care line (ive never tried the whole shebang) its different from the lotion because its formulated for combination/oily skin like mine *insert snoopy happy dance* Finally, after some reasoning with myself, I purchased a bottle for $24.50. At the time, this was the most that I had ever spent on a beauty product. EVER.

But if you think about it, I only apply it in the morning after I wash my face and apply a toner. you get 4.2 oz. of product, so it lasts quite a while.

Plus, usually there is some kind of promotion where you get a cute little makeup kit when you spend $21 dollars or something like that.

So is it worth the $????

Yes :)

heres the link to the clinque website :)


peace, love & lipstick :)

please note- I am not being paid to talk about this product. This was purchased with my own $ :)

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